Your journey


Flughafen Chicago

The distance from  Living Spring to Billings Airport in Montana is approx. 1-1/2 hours by car  It can best be reached via Minneapolis, Denver, or Chicago .

Arriving and departing travelers may be picked up or brought to the airport upon prior request and agreement. Should the arrival time be later than 09.00 pm  or departure time be before 09.00 am, please make room reservations in Billings for the respective night!

Short-term or long-term stays may be planned and agreed upon on short notice. All will not only depend on possible accommodations  at Living Spring, but also on the needs of the seeker(s) and whether a single person or a group desires to come.

Car/Rental car

Anyone coming without a car is dependend on lifts to town, as no car is generally available for guests.  Lifts may  happen sporadically , but will not be available according to the needs of the guests but rather to the needs of Living Spring.

Rental Car companies at the airport in Billings  can be found under this link: