Living Spring (EN)

spreads over 654 acres of land in the eastern Bull Mountains in Montana, approx. 50 miles northeast of Billings

It is a meeting place for intercultural and interfaith purposes – is a School for Living for people who seek emotional and mental healing and/or spiritual orientation.

Our goal
is to welcome the seeking desire of individuals for his/her true and holy identity, to accompany him/her on his journey and give methodical assistance, without predetermining any specific religion. individual  religious affiliations will be respected and supportingly integrated in any spiritual praxis. 

Various forms of spiritual practice from the different world religions, such as Yoga, Zen meditation, contemplation, Breathing techniques, Meditative Movement, Prayer, Singing and Mantras will be practiced and taught if so desired.

Assistance is oriented on the questions and concerns  people  may have,.who come to us. Group and individual counseling will only be offered and conducted according to expressed needs.

Living Spring also offers opportunity for silent retreat
Counseling or spiritual guidance may also be sought and requested by participants in silent retreats.