
LIVING SPRING – the vision

The creation of Living Spring as a place is in progress. Indented as a dwelling place for people who have made a dedicated commitment to follow the path of the heart (fellowship with Christ*), regardless of where they are in their process of spiritual growth and unfoldment or what religious tradition they come from. It is for people to whom the message THE NEW PLACE IT TO MY GLORY AND TO MY GLORY ALONE (see story) is deeply meaningful; for those who yearn for the New Heaven and the New Earth; for those who give priority to this longing; for those who are willing to leave behind – It is for those who are willing to leave behind their old ways, both inner and outer; and for those who are prepared to mold the new way life.

LIVING SPRING will not be a religious place in the traditional sense but still be a place of worship where people coming from various religions and tradition can intermingle and share. It will be a place where spiritual indentify and action will have to unite.

Fellowship here will mean:

  • Openness for Truth (whether temporary or absolute, inner or outer); willingness to be transformed by the opportunities that life presents;
  • Love and respect for all divine teachings (within all traditions). and dedicated to the inherent surrender;
  • practice of meditation and prayer (directing quests towards and listening to (obeying) spiritual guidance within;
  • the sharing of all worldly goods (including monetary);
  • All work affected by an attitude of willingness, kindness, mindfulness, and responsible stewardship toward the material surrounding.

The community of those who have gathered with the above intent will offer a place of healing and retreat for people who seek healing and spiritual awakening and come for that particular purpose and for temporary stays.
Joining the established community requires a decisive choice. It is for those who know that no one can serve two masters and have chosen to serve the One.
The desire for healing –  and for that which it may require – must be strong, for many misperceptions that have been acquired to survive will be threatened and undone in order to find life. This may call forth all fears and their defense patterns.


Ponder the following

  • Love God – Give God
  • Give all you have and give yourself entirely
  • Risk losing all your illusions of security;
    there are no securities except life itself
  • Take this step for the sake of GOD (and your spiritual home) alone,
    not for anyone else’s sake or out of fear
  • Desire to discover your true being, your inner home
  • Desire to utilize your acquired and inherited talents
  • Be willing to tread deep water
  • Be willing to be challenged (not left alone)
  • Be willing to admit your inner condition – let go of pretending
  • Be worship – and let it be reflected in attitude and action
  • Be expectant instead of having expectations
  • Be willing to work and serve
  • Be willing to be a sister or brother to those around you
    (keeper of their heart, but not their fears or addictions)
  • Learn to have meaningful questions and remain a seeker of Truth
  • Learn what Love is about and what it is not about
  • Learn what Forgiveness is about and what it is not about
  • Learn to replace compromise with cooperation
  • Learn about the inherent Truth in the various spiritual paths (religions/traditions) and teachings and discern their misunderstandings
  • Learn to worship and praise in your work and action
  • Learn to listen and hear, learn to communicate what is of importance
  •  Learn to die and experience resurrection
  • Find your true backbone and let go of all crutches
  • Learn compassion and discernment
  • Learn to share your experience and have new ones
  • Be willing to experience the destruction of your illusions
  • Be willing to let go of your jealousy, greed, covetousness, hatred, pride, megalomania, deceitfulness, grudges, gossip, defensiveness, self-justification, and self-images (in other words – your fears)
  • Participate in stewarding the land, growing food and creating garden
  • Learn and be willing to be with and shepherd animals
  • Practice and experience respect and mindfulness
    (also towards material things)


  • Here you do not get anything or everything
  • Here you cannot buy (manipulate) anything or anyone
  • Here you cannot satisfy your addictions or nurse your ailments (no drugs of any kind, in whatever form)
  • Here you cannot find a nest, neither a father or a mother to replace the one you still miss (but you can heal from your sorrow)
  • Here you cannot dodge or escape
  • Here you cannot “win” or avoid being humble(d)
  • Here you cannot make a name for yourself or indulge in self-glorification
  • Here you have to let go of loopholes. They won’t help you any longer

What speaks to you especially? What would be the greatest challenge, the greatest joy?

May our hearts open to HIM and become one, so that HIS Love, Mercy and Grace may enter and dwell in each of us replacing all which is of our own making. And may HIS Kingdom manifest on earth according to HIS Will.